Edible Gardening Project

Cold temperatures and low light levels in winter do not mean an end to fresh produce from the garden. Here at The Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh we have been harvesting a range of vegetables over the darkest months. Here is a list of our favourites.

1. Chard: Multi-coloured leaf stalks and spinach-like leaves make this an indispensable winter crop in the Edible Garden. Sow July – August, Harvest December – May.

2. Kale: Very hardy, provides a continuous supply of nutritious leaves. There are several attractive varieties such a ‘Nero di Toscana’ and ‘Red Winter’.  Sow May – July, Harvest December – April.

3. Leeks: A winter classic, essential for broths, soups and stews.  Sow April, Harvest January – April.



4. Winter/Land cress: A spicy salad crop. Sow August. Harvest January – April.

5. Winter purslane (Claytonia): Mild, buttery textured leaves that combine well with land…

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